same roar whn i got onto teh stage.... same recognition, same love, same affection..... same homely Bapatla...
so finally got my third gold medal for god knows what eason. they shud announce it also i must say...
i seriously needed a tape recorded answer for "oh VICHIKA*excitment*. what r u doing now??"
neways. felt happy tht i was still a known person on campus... specially whn teh poor anchor of MAA TV's JOSH had to stand while i n muva were given seats:-P!!..
got to know 2 really interesting things:
1. sriram yeah our very own "phew!" sriram. yea hez got into Tollywood. yeah u heard me rite tollywood!!! goeology sir told me tht he was seen in a TV prog.... "PHEW!!!" i can't wait to tell this on the grp!!!.... hehhee was wondering where our own star had disappeaerd.. must b busy"!!!!!"
2. shyam. yea our prabhu deva.... got thru gate. yeah yeah gate. fel t soooooooooooo happpy for him.. i can't wait to put this on teh grp. yeah will mail today!
everything else is so much same in dept. except tht all sirs now av color mobiles.. n r krishna rao is now teh dept lib incharge. hahahaha yea added responsibilities.. hehehehe..... sir baap bane wale hain!!! n sweet satush sir is still teh same... sweet.
felt bad tht cudn't spend much time with RV sir. oh i miss talking tohim so much.. but had to b with mahi . she wud sure hav got a lot upset. managed to split my time btwn auntie n mahi..... auntie is such a sweet heart....
n god knows how tht ash don got into CTS!! i just cudn't believe ..... i hope god knows wht he is doing.. well i shudnot say this but still... ok mayb she was rite in her own way... naaaaaaaaah i don believe this....
GEBz come out so well. looked so good. omkaram garu was asking me how was it. felt so nice!! n the kalyana mandapam..... awesoem....... but errr said tht without going inside:-P... RV sir said whtz teh diffeence btwn u n a common man if u say tht just by external looks :-P
i just wish i get my visa. n get a chance to spend some more time with RV sir b4 i go... :)
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